BASNET Forumas is an international association based on the member institutions of the unique network linking women scientists working in the sciences and high technology and science policy makers for insurance of equal gender opportunities in sciences in the Baltic States region. BASNET Forumas was established in 2009 on the basis of institutions former partners of FP6 project “Baltic States Network: women in sciences and High Technology” (BASNET). BASNET Forumas mission is to mobilize the efforts of members to support the implementation of gender equality in science in the Baltic States region. BASNET Forumas is working for achieving towards its goals by: participation in international women scientists networks; strengthening national and regional women scientists networks; initiation and participation in the projects targeted to change science policy in the Baltic States making it more favorable for women doing their research in sciences.
Persons involved
Dr. A. Kupliauskienė
Dr. A. Kupliauskienė is a physicist head of Department of The Theory of Atoms at Vilnius University Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy. In 2013 A. Kupliauskienė with other colleagues was awarded by Lithuanian National Science Prize in sciences for work "The Atomic Theory methods and applications development (1998-2012)”. A. Kupliauskienė has evaluated FP6 and FP7 M.Curie programmes and took part in a number of EC and Lithuanian national projects. She worked as a member of local organizing committee of a number of international scientific conferences: “European Group on Atomic Systems”GAS32 (2000), 12th International Conference on Highly Charged Ions (HCI‟12, 2004) and International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA, 2010) held in Vilnius. Since 2000 she has joined women in science activity and as Lithuanian team leader participated in the first "International Conference on Women in Physics" conference organized by IUPAP in Paris. She was Lithuanian cluster leader in FP6 “Baltic States Network: Women in sciences and HT” (BASNET) project, is on the board members of BASNET Forumas association and actively participated in national Lithuanian project “Promotion Gender in Science” (LYMOS) as well as took part in FP7 project SAPGERIC.