General information on the conference agenda
All the participants of SAPGERIC conference are being asked to focus on the expected outputs of the conference in their talks, comments and rapports. The main goal of the conference is to reflect the current state of activities at EU level targeted for promoting gender equality in research institutions and enhance the effective dialogue and knowledge sharing between academia, research institutions, funding agencies, researchers, policy makers and society. The discussions of the conference should result in adopting the conference resolution and providing the recommendations for European Commission and LT Council ensuring the sustainability to perpetuate the conference results concerned with:
- Development of Roadmap for reforms to induce structural change in research institutions and for future activities in relation with Horizon 2020 and ERA;
- Closer involvement of various stakeholders and academia from Member States;
- Encouragement of female scientists and gender experts to engage in Horizon 2020.
Practical information on the work of sessions
The time allocated for the talks of plenary and parallel sessions will be 10-15 minutes for every speaker. The 5 minutes will be allocated for questions and short discussions after each talk in plenary and parallel sessions. During the sessions the following equipment for demonstration of presentations will be available: overhead projector, laptop (notebook) computer, flipchart. The plenary sessions and discussions are planned to be webcasted in real time.
Prior to the conference
The final deadline for submitting the abstracts of the papers is November 3, 2013.
The short biographies and abstracts of presentations will be available on-line in the web site of the conference. The chairs, moderators and rapporteurs will be kindly asked to study them while preparing themselves for the conference. The moderators of plenary discussion and round table sessions will be provided with the contacts of session’s participants so they will be able to contact them personally.
Role of speakers
The speakers of plenary and parallel sessions are kindly asked respect the schedule precisely. Speakers are also asked to send the Power Point presentations of their talks several days before the conference by e-mail: The title of the session related should be mentioned in the title of the message.
Participants of plenary and round table discussions will have instructions from moderators on the chosen discussion flow rules.
Welcome talks should not exceed 10 minutes.
Role of the moderator
The moderators of plenary and round table discussions will be responsible for choosing the discussion’s flow rules and communicating them to the participants of the discussions they moderate as well as moderation of discussion. The moderators will be provided with the contacts of participants. Moderators should prepare key questions for discussants to discuss, also to take questions from the audience during the discussion.
Role of chair
The chairs are asked to overview the CVs of speakers and abstracts of the papers of session they are chairing posted on the SAPGERIC website. During the session chairs are asked:
- At the start of the session, to introduce themselves to the audience, to announce the session/title, and to offer a briefoverview indicating what about it will be (information was provided in the invitations);
- Prior to each presentation, to announce the paper’s title, authors’ names and their affiliations and to introduce the speaker;
- After each paper to give 5 minutes for questions, to use the remaining time at the end of session for discussions and questions;
- During the presentations enforce time limits strictly so that no speaker (or audience member) monopolizes someone else’s time.
Role of rapporteurs
Plenary session 3, November 22, 11:30-13:00 „Following up activities towards sustainable changes in research institutions and universities“ is a highlight session devoted to summarise the key aspects of the discussions in all 8 parallel sessions.
The main function of rapporteur will be to take note on the main findings, conclusions and recommendations of each speaker of relevant parallel session and shortly present them on plenary session 3. Rapporteurs summarizing the key findings of the papers should strictly keep to the expected outputs of the conference and major tasks. Each rapporteur will have 5-8 minutes to present the key points of the theme. After the conference each rapporteur will submit (by e-mail) their reports in written form to organizers of the conference to be included in the recommendations following up the conference.